Using Color Psychology in Your New Home

Using Color Psychology in Your New Home

woman holding paint samples

If you’re like most people, various colors in decor can affect your mood and how a room makes you feel. However, figuring out how to incorporate color into your home can be overwhelming. After all, research shows that the human eye can distinguish around a million different colors--so which of these million should you choose for your dining room?

Below, we’ll provide you with recommendations from experts about which colors are generally best suited for each area in your home. Even if you prefer the simple, clean look of white walls, introducing an accent color or two can add dimension to your rooms and make them feel more conducive to your activities.

Warm Tones In the Entryway, Living Room, and Dining Room

Think of this area as your entertaining space. You want your entryway, living room, and dining room to feel welcoming. For these areas, think about incorporating colors to stimulate conversation and invoke a friendly feeling that encourages people to gather. Color consultants recommend earth tones (such as beige and brown) or warm tones like soft yellows, muted, velvety reds, and delectable oranges. If your entertaining space is large, these warm colors will make it feel more intimate.

Warm beige and sunny yellow accents make this family room feel laid back and inviting.modern casual living room

Interestingly, studies have shown that red and yellow increase heart rate and hunger--is it any wonder that so many fast-food restaurants use these colors? If you like hosting dinner parties, red might just be your ideal dining room color to increase your guests’ appetite. To avoid sensory overstimulation, use primary red and yellow in moderation or opt for the more subdued versions of these colors described above.

White, Off-White, and “Spa Colors” in the Bathroom

White has been a long-time favorite for bathrooms because of how clean and fresh it looks. However, white can also come across as cold and clinical, so adding some soothing colors from nature, like aqua, sea blues, and forest greens, can make the room feel more tranquil while still maintaining a fresh appearance.

You can add a "splash" of color to your bathroom with accessories in cool, water-inspired tones.bathroom accessories

Cool Colors in the Bedroom

Your bedroom is your retreat, the place you go to unwind and rest after a long day. That’s why cooler colors tend to be a natural choice for your bedroom’s color scheme. Subdued greens, blues, and lavenders generally have a calming effect. You can incorporate these colors into areas such as your walls, window coverings, or bedcovers. Avoid an abundance of reds and yellows, which may energize you by increasing your heart rate.

Bring the outdoors in! Green and natural textures complement each other perfectly and boost your sense of calmness and well-being.casual boho bedroom

Anything Goes in the Kitchen

Typically, when you move into a new home, you don’t have much control over what your kitchen countertops look like (unless you bought a home in a new development). When choosing colors for this room, you want to find something that:

  • Invokes positive feelings in you

  • Matches your existing countertops (unless you’re doing a complete kitchen makeover)

If you choose a color that clashes with what you already have, your kitchen will feel claustrophobic and unharmonious. Similar to bathrooms, kitchens in whites and off-whites have become extremely popular in recent years because most people associate these colors with cleanliness and purity. Pale grays can achieve a similar effect and make the room feel soothing. Anchoring a light-toned kitchen with a beautiful black or dark grey island can help ground the space and give it dimension.

For more tips about settling into your new abode, check out our blog. At True Friends Moving Company, we don’t merely serve customers--we make friends for life!
