When Moving, Box Up These Things Last (or Not at All)

taping up moving box

When preparing to move, it’s best to have a basic strategy to help you pack as quickly and efficiently as possible. Generally, the fastest way to pack is to go room by room, shelf by shelf, drawer by drawer. However, there are some exceptions.


When packing for a move, the following items are best to box up last or not even at all.

Toiletries and Bathroom Supplies

You don’t want to start “Moving Day” without brushing your teeth or applying some deodorant. Rather than boxing up all of these supplies, pack some essential toiletries in an overnight bag with a pair of pajamas and an outfit for the next day.

Prescription Medications and Painkillers

The last thing you want is to lose your prescription meds right before moving to an entirely new place. Stash these in your purse or the overnight bag with your toiletries. Don’t forget to keep some over-the-counter painkillers handy in case you get sore from lifting boxes and furniture.


To save time, you don’t even need to box up your bed linens. Simply roll them up and put them in heavy-duty, plastic garbage bags. Don’t forget to label them!

Essential Baby Supplies

You never want to be caught unprepared with a baby during a move. Make sure these items are packed last and that you have some within easy access:

  • Favorite snacks and food
  • Diapers and wipes
  • At least one change of clothes
  • Medications
  • Toys

Essential Pet Supplies

Make sure you have time to stow the following pet items on your moving day:

  • Food and treats
  • Bowls for food and water
  • Medications
  • Toys
  • Leashes and harnesses

If your pet gets anxious during car rides, put an item that makes them feel safe in their crate, like their favorite blanket or an old sweatshirt with your scent.

Phone and Tablet Chargers

Since you might not be moving to a home with a working (or existing) landline, you want to make certain that your phone can remain charged during your move and the first few days at your new place. Put the chargers in your overnight bag with your toiletries and outfit for the next day, or keep it in your purse.

For reliable packing and moving services, you can always count on True Friends Moving Company. Schedule your move with us by calling (615) 240-2811 or contacting us online.
