Moving Etiquette: Things to Consider While Moving

welcoming new neighbors

You have a lot to prepare when you're moving, and you probably only move once every couple to several years, so it's easy to overlook basic etiquette.

It may even surprise you to know that there is even such a thing as “moving etiquette,” so take a look at these tips to ensure that you're treating everyone involved with the respect that you would want others to give you.

Be Considerate of Neighbors

Whether you're moving out of an apartment or a house, you should be considerate about the amount of noise that you make when others might be sleeping. It would help if you also were careful about where you're parking so that you don't block in a neighbor who wants to go to the grocery store without the hassle of tracking you down. To be more considerate, a day or two before Moving Day, go around the neighborhood to let people know that you'll be moving and learn what their plans are for the day so that you can better accommodate them.

Treat Family and Friends Well

If you're having family and friends help you move, make sure that you provide plenty of water and snacks. Moving is a lot of work, and if it's hot outside, your family and friends will need some water to stay hydrated. You should plan on a short break for a casual lunch, too. Order pizza or subs so that everyone has an opportunity to enjoy a half an hour together before you get back to work.

Be Courteous to the Movers

If you're hiring movers to help you with the heavy furniture, make sure that you offer them water, too. It's a simple way of letting them know that you appreciate them. You should also give them a tip to further show them your gratitude for their services.

Bottom line: Moving day can be stressful, but there's no reason that you can't be polite to the people who are helping you. A little bit of planning the day before will go a long way. Planning a big move? Contact True Friends Moving Company at (615) 240-2811.
