Move Smarter Not Harder: How to Move Using 2017 Trends

Elderly couple chilling on the couch after moving

Moving can be stressful. While it may mean you are taking steps toward your desired life, it can mean living out of boxes and rooms full of clutter for weeks or sometimes even months. If you’re choosing to move in 2017, you aren’t alone. Nearly 30 million people moved last year, and that number is expected to be very similar for 2017. From how many people are going to be moving to how popular the type of home you’re looking for is, trends will affect how you move. Keep the following points in mind while planning.

When is the Best Time?

Picking the right day to move is incredibly important. Typically, weekend days are the most popular to move with Friday being the day that most people choose. Of course, this makes sense; Friday allows people to take the entire weekend to unpack and get settled in. Now, if you’re looking for a time to move that will help ensure ease of reservation, great price, and no traffic, then moving on a weekday might be more for you. While it can be inconvenient, a day such as Tuesday or Wednesday might make it much quicker to move and help get you a better price.

Moving in the Right Month

Not only can the day of the week impact your move, but also the month and time of year you choose to. Currently, fall is the most popular season (September-November) with early summer being the second most popular (mid-early June). The least popular months include the winter season, right around holidays, and mid-summer. Most individuals want to be unpacked and settled in by the holidays, and they also don’t want to be unpacking a truck in the outdoors during extreme heat or bitter cold. So, while the fall months may signal a busier time with the start of school and the early beginnings of the holidays, it seems that most people find this to be an optimal time to make the change, with some even delaying a whole season or more just to move during the fall.

Finding Your Dream Home

Trends for 2017 are indicating that most people are looking for bigger and better homes. While the economy in 2015 showed individuals were moving primarily into 1-bedroom homes, there was a nearly 25 percent decrease in these types of moves in 2017, and it is expected to fall again. This means people are looking for homes to grow in. If you’re in the market for a beginning 1-bedroom, this is a perfect time to buy, as this type of real estate will be opening up. Meanwhile, be prepared to find more competition for that bigger piece of real estate you’ve always dreamed of owning.

Professional Moving

In the past few years, there has been a rise in the popularity of professional moving companies. While many in the past have chosen to do it themselves, individuals are now opting to save the time and hassle to let others move their furniture and big-ticket items.

The team at True Friends Moving knows how important it is that your belongings get to your new property in one piece. We’ve been in business since 2012, and our experienced team of movers strives to care for you and your belongings with utmost respect and care. Whether you’re moving to a new home for the first time, a newly married couple combining, or a family with lots of furniture, we’re here to help! Contact us today to learn more about how we can make your move easier!
